Hi all,

On Sat, 9 Aug 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> all kinds of different takes on it :)

FWIW, as you know by now I'm in the 'let them know there's a problem'
camp.  But, well, it was just a suggestion.  It was interesting so see
the response to my post, obviously there are some strong feelings.  Yes
we do very occasionally see hundreds of thousands of backscatter mail
messages.  No, it isn't an embarrassment, our automatic defences will
quickly shut them down, and I don't feel I want to kill the messenger.

To take this one stage further, I think simply using ClamAV to block
all your spam might be too simplistic; it's possible to deal with the
vast majority of junk relatively painlessly, and leave ClamAV and such
resource-intensive processes to deal with the rest.  We generally use
seven different milters.  They log their actions, and a couple of Perl
scripts scan the logs for various patterns of activity.  The scripts
will write firewall rules when the activity triggers some criterion,
and hey presto no more crap from that particular source.  It might be
argued (I expect it probably will...:) that this is yet another source
of backscatter, but I really don't see how I can be expected to run a
mailserver just so that people can send spam to it without causing any
inconvenience for anyone else.  It's garbage.  I don't want it.  Period.

On the point about accepting and then rejecting, no, you misunderstand
the SMTP conversation.  It is perfectly possible to read an entire mail
message and yet still reject it.  That's in part what ClamAV is about -
you can't know if there's a nasty payload unless you've read it.  Then
you have to decide what to do about it.

Let's all try to remember that the villains in the piece are the
criminals.  They make all this wasted effort necessary.  If there are
problems, by and large it's the criminals that cause them.  Perhaps
you might include incompetent, careless, witless and, if you wish,
uncompromising computer operators, but they're not the root cause.



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