Simon Hobson wrote:
Dennis Peterson wrote:

What they did was a bad call. They wilfully let freshclam download an
update which they knew would crash the clamd service.

This was going to happen anyway when the signatures grew to take advantage of the new format. Older versions of clamd were going to die sooner or later. It was inevitable this would happen.

The rest only makes sense IF that statement is true. It's already been pointed out that it was not inevitable, and had the team cared then there were ways of not making old versions die. More than one technique has been mentioned, and at least one of them would have been viable.

The rest of your response rather reinforces Marks point.

Simon, Mark,
Are you ever going to get over it and move on? If you are unhappy with ClamAVs decision take your bat and ball and go to some other ball park.

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