On 7/2/18 3:39 PM, Joel Esler (jesler) wrote:
I’m not at a large keyboard right now.   But with Cloudflare currently acting 
as our mirror network, none of the current assumptions about how the mirror 
network works is accurate.

We have not changed the donated mirror network, as our discussions with 
cloudflare are on going.

Sent from my iPhone

I've been out of town so just had a look at the current structure and see what you mean. Since June 25 my systems are using only cloudflare mirrors. There is now 5 physical mirrors total in a DNS round robin on different subnets but in the same data center. If they're using a clustered/NFS/shared/cached file system if any client is out of sync every client will be out of sync at the same time even if they use an atomic file transfer (somewhat like what rsync does). If they're not using any kind of shared file system and also not using some kind of atomic file transfer then there will still be issues.

So far, though, it has been working perfectly here. With only 5 servers though I don't think that will last if they start showing up in mirrors.dat.

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