On Mon, 26 Jul 2021 11:35:29 -0400
"Rick Cooper" <rcoo...@dwford.com> wrote:

> And what, exactly, is the reason for moving to cmake? I am sure you know
> it's going to be problematic for thousands of people so I am curious what
> tremendous gain of speed, size, memory usage or seciurity the other users
> get from this change, or if it's just a convenience thing for the
> developers?

I get the impression that *all* recent software development (at least in Open 
Source) has given up any notion of backward compatibility. For example, Firefox 
(even ESR) has been a disaster in the past few years, changing the UI with 
every major release, once totally blowing away users' bookmarks, and of course, 
completely invalidating many, many years of add-on development by many people 
due to switching from XUL to the less powerful WebExtensions.

Now I wonder what will happen when I next try to build ClamAV on my three 
different Debian systems (7, 8 & 10).


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