That's precisely how I coded it. Just need to run some tests, then on to
more complex testing with nested lists and so forth.


On Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 12:03 AM Cora Sutton <> wrote:

> not, in clojure, is itself a function, so it would just be wrapping a
> other function call in (not (my-fn)). there is no limit to the recursion
> here, you can have functions in functions in functions
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 9:54 PM Jack Park <>
> wrote:
>> Cora,
>> That's simply amazing. I added one more "or" test: all-false.
>> I confess, I'm not yet at the place where I look at that pattern and
>> recognize it, but, thanks  to you and to the other hints I received here, I
>> now have something to work with.
>> Next up for me will be to test the "not" functions.
>> Many thanks!
>> -Jack
>> On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 6:03 PM Cora Sutton <> wrote:
>>> You can stay away from eval unless you have extremely special needs,
>>> really. I never use it myself. The evaluate-or-fns and evaluate-and-fns
>>> don't care what the function is, it could be another call to
>>> evaluate-or-fns or evaluate-and-fns, and in this way you can recurse as
>>> deeply as you desire and only evaluate when you actually want values out of
>>> it.
>>> (defn evaluate-and-fns
>>>   "Returns true if every function in members returns a value that is
>>> true-ish according to Clojure's
>>>   truthiness rules. Otherwise returns false."
>>>   [members]
>>>   (every? (fn [member]
>>>             (member))
>>>           members))
>>> (defn evaluate-or-fns
>>>   "Returns true if any function in members returns a value that is
>>> true-ish according to Clojure's
>>>   truthiness rules. Otherwise returns false."
>>>   [members]
>>>   (boolean
>>>    (some (fn [member]
>>>            (member))
>>>          members)))
>>> (evaluate-or-fns [(fn []
>>>                     (evaluate-and-fns [(fn [] (evaluate-and-fns
>>> [simple-true-fn simple-true-fn]))
>>>                                        simple-true-fn]))
>>>                   (fn []
>>>                     (evaluate-and-fns [simple-true-fn
>>> simple-false-fn]))])
>>> On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 7:22 PM Jack Park <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello again, Cora (and list!)
>>>> I have your gist running, then added a new feature
>>>> The first code was for conjunctive lists, I added disjunctive lists
>>>> There, I started with some? but could not make the grade, ended up with
>>>> some fn where fn is eval. That's the code.
>>>> It's behaving strangely, but maybe I'm on the right track.
>>>> Where this is going is that a list can be populated with things other
>>>> than simple functions like SimpleTrue; can be populated with conjunctive
>>>> and disjunctive lists, each of which can be similarly populated. That, of
>>>> course, means that evaluating a single inferrable list is the same as
>>>> walking a possibly complex (no loops, hopefully) spider web.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Jack
>>>> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 6:04 PM Cora Sutton <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello again, Jack. I'm not sure what your code looked like before or
>>>>> looks like now but I think maybe a different way of helping you out with
>>>>> this is in order. Here's some code that does what I think you're going for
>>>>> and runs:
>>>>> Have a look, play with it a bit, change around value and see what
>>>>> breaks. Hope that's helpful!
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 5:55 PM Jack Park <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Did. That suggestion was made earlier. Did not change anything.
>>>>>> Here's a test which ran just fine
>>>>>> (def x (evaluate_and (list true true)))
>>>>>>   (println "A" x)
>>>>>>   (def y (evaluate_and (list true false)))
>>>>>>   (println "B" y)
>>>>>> But, the moment I attempt to make a list with two functions in it,
>>>>>> the code breaks and returns - without any errors - not a boolean, but the
>>>>>> structure I passed it.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 3:43 PM Cora Sutton <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Those are functions that call booleans as functions. Try this:
>>>>>>> (defn simple-true [] true)
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 5:41 PM Jack Park <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Great points!
>>>>>>>> They are filled with functions which look like this
>>>>>>>> (defn simple_true [] (true))
>>>>>>>> They are not booleans but functions which return a boolean.
>>>>>>>> Here is a list of two of those as produced by the code:
>>>>>>>> (#object[ie4clj.Tests$simple_false 0x3a4621bd
>>>>>>>> ie4clj.Tests$simple_false@3a4621bd]
>>>>>>>>  #object[ie4clj.Tests$simple_false 0x3a4621bd
>>>>>>>> ie4clj.Tests$simple_false@3a4621bd])
>>>>>>>> Or maybe I missed something.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 3:33 PM Cora Sutton <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Your members list needs to be filled with things that can be
>>>>>>>>> called as functions, since that's what that code snippet does, and 
>>>>>>>>> booleans
>>>>>>>>> definitely cannot be called as functions. That's what the error means,
>>>>>>>>> there's a boolean in your list and it's trying to cast it to an IFn (a
>>>>>>>>> Clojure function interface) when it is called as (member).
>>>>>>>>> Can you show the lists you construct? Are they full of functions
>>>>>>>>> that take no arguments? Do you want the lists to be able to contain
>>>>>>>>> booleans too?
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 2:57 PM Jack Park <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Cora
>>>>>>>>>> (every? (fn [member] (member)) members)
>>>>>>>>>> works fine on [constantly true & false
>>>>>>>>>> but fails with
>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
>>>>>>>>>> on the lists I construct.
>>>>>>>>>> In truth, I thought all the code was working, but that turned out
>>>>>>>>>> ot be an artifact of the test I designed. When I changed the test
>>>>>>>>>> conditions, evaluate_and failed.
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 5:00 PM Cora Sutton <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello again Jack,
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 6:21 PM Jack Park <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> (every? eval members)  does not appear to work on a list of
>>>>>>>>>>>> functions designed to evaluate to a boolean.
>>>>>>>>>>> If members is a list of functions then you would do:
>>>>>>>>>>> (every? (fn [member] (member)) members)
>>>>>>>>>>> Showing it work here:
>>>>>>>>>>> (every? (fn [member] (member)) [(constantly true) (constantly
>>>>>>>>>>> true)])
>>>>>>>>>>> ;; => true
>>>>>>>>>>> (every? (fn [member] (member)) [(constantly true) (constantly
>>>>>>>>>>> false)])
>>>>>>>>>>> ;; => false
>>>>>>>>>>>> That code is used in a function evaluateAnd
>>>>>>>>>>>> Two simple tests
>>>>>>>>>>>> (evaluateAnd [true true] --> true
>>>>>>>>>>>> (evaluateAnd [true false] --> nil (why not "false" as the
>>>>>>>>>>>> every? examples show?)
>>>>>>>>>>> In Clojure things are either "truthy" or "falsey", and the only
>>>>>>>>>>> "false" values are false and nil so returning nil is usually fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Everything else is "truthy". I wouldn't worry about it returning 
>>>>>>>>>>> nil since
>>>>>>>>>>> other things were broken anyways.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The specific code for building the list of functions is this
>>>>>>>>>>>> (def x (atom []))
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (let [result (list (ref SimpleTrue) (ref SimpleFalse))]
>>>>>>>>>>>>     (println "BAL1" result )
>>>>>>>>>>>>     (reset! x result)
>>>>>>>>>>>>     )
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (println "BAL2" @x )
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (@x) <<<< returns the atom's value
>>>>>>>>>>>> And the final println is this
>>>>>>>>>>>> BAL2 (#object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x335b5620 {:status :ready, :val
>>>>>>>>>>>> #object[ie4clj.Tests$SimpleTrue 0x6eb2384f 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ie4clj.Tests$SimpleTrue@6eb2384f]}]
>>>>>>>>>>>> #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x3c9c0d96 {:status :ready, :val
>>>>>>>>>>>> #object[ie4clj.Tests$SimpleFalse 0x31dadd46
>>>>>>>>>>>> ie4clj.Tests$SimpleFalse@31dadd46]}])
>>>>>>>>>>>> evaluateAnd never saw the result, with this error message
>>>>>>>>>>>> clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
>>>>>>>>>>> Refs are the wrong thing to use here. In fact I'd stay away from
>>>>>>>>>>> atoms and refs unless you have multiple threads that need to mutate 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> same values. They're just confusing things now, I think.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The test which fails is this
>>>>>>>>>>>>  (def result (evaluateAnd  (buildAndList) ))  <<< fails here
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (println "bar" result)
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (result)
>>>>>>>>>>>> The googleverse seems to agree that there are extra parens
>>>>>>>>>>>> around the value. Google isn't giving me an obvious way to take 
>>>>>>>>>>>> that value
>>>>>>>>>>>> outside of its surrounding parens (bal2 above).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Still looking, and hoping that solves the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe there's a way to go back to buildAndList and not return
>>>>>>>>>>>> the value with parens.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think a key thing to explain is that in Clojure generally
>>>>>>>>>>> you're not making new types of collections. There's this famous-ish 
>>>>>>>>>>> saying
>>>>>>>>>>> that Clojure holds to pretty well:
>>>>>>>>>>> "It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data
>>>>>>>>>>> structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures."
>>>>>>>>>>> - Alan Perlis
>>>>>>>>>>> Most functions in the Clojure world operate on a handful of
>>>>>>>>>>> basic data types and structures. This makes it really easy to chain 
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> combine functions to slice and dice data since you don't need to 
>>>>>>>>>>> convert
>>>>>>>>>>> between types.
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think I've ever made a special collection type in
>>>>>>>>>>> Clojure, it's not all that common. So I'd suggest that while you're 
>>>>>>>>>>> at this
>>>>>>>>>>> point in your journey you try to stick to the built-in Clojure 
>>>>>>>>>>> collection
>>>>>>>>>>> types and use the built-in functions to operate on them.
>>>>>>>>>>> To give you a little direction, instead of a Person object you
>>>>>>>>>>> could make a hashmap like {:first-name "Jack" :last-name "Park"} and
>>>>>>>>>>> pass that around. And then you can make a function that operates on 
>>>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>>>> (defn full-name
>>>>>>>>>>>   [person]
>>>>>>>>>>>   (str (get person :first-name) " " (get person :last-name)))
>>>>>>>>>>> And then you could expand that to maybe {:first-name "Jack"
>>>>>>>>>>> :last-name "Park" :people-talked-to-on-mailing-list ["Cora 
>>>>>>>>>>> Sutton"]} and
>>>>>>>>>>> then operate on a collection of people like:
>>>>>>>>>>> (defn people-talked-to-on-mailing-list
>>>>>>>>>>>   [person all-people]
>>>>>>>>>>>   (let [people-to-find (set (get person
>>>>>>>>>>> :people-talked-to-on-mailing-list))]
>>>>>>>>>>>     (filter (fn [p]
>>>>>>>>>>>               (people-to-find (full-name p))
>>>>>>>>>>>             all-people))
>>>>>>>>>>> (people-talked-to-on-mailing-list jack all-people)
>>>>>>>>>>> ;; => {:first-name "Cora" :last-name "Sutton"
>>>>>>>>>>> :people-talked-to-on-mailing-list ["Jack Park"]}
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 11:23 AM Cora Sutton <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jack!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I could be wrong but I think this could just be: (every? eval
>>>>>>>>>>>>> members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see a few things here that seem strange to me so I wanted to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> share a few points that might be helpful (or might not, let me 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know either
>>>>>>>>>>>>> way) for future code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * So typically you don't want to def or defn within another
>>>>>>>>>>>>> function call since that will define a new value at the top level.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (defn foo []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (def bar 1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (println (inc bar))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (foo)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; ^^ calling foo will define bar at the top level
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bar
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; => 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; whoops, didn't mean to have that at the top level like that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; imagine if two different threads called that in parallel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ::grimace::
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead, you usually want to use the let function:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So in your code you might use this something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (let [result (atom true)]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ....)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The error you're seeing is from the (defn result ...) in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> code, you're missing the argument vector [] after result --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so it would look like (defn result [] (atom true)) -- but you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> really don't want to defn like that, I think.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * To update an atom's value you don't want to assign like
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that, you want to use swap!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (swap! f
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        (fn [cur-val new-val] (and cur-val new-val))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        (eval member))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You probably don't want to use an atom here. Atoms are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> usually for data that you intend to have multiple threads 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessing. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this case it's just a value that changes during a single thread's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution
>>>>>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How else could you solve this if not for the very convenient
>>>>>>>>>>>>> every? function? There are a bunch of ways! Here are a few,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with things written out pretty explicitly so they're more clear.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loop/recur:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (loop [result true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        remaining-members members]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (let [member (first remaining-members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         remaining-members (rest members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         new-result (eval member)]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     (if new-result
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       (recur true remaining-members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       false)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduce v1:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (reduce (fn [result member]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           (and result
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                (eval member)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduce v2.0, that will now stop iterating once one of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> members evals to false:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (reduce (fn [_ member]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           (or (eval member)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>               (reduced false)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My point with sharing these is that in clojure usually the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> best way to solve these problems is to pass new values to the next
>>>>>>>>>>>>> iteration while accumulating a result instead of changing a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> variable on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> each iteration. Or to use one of these sweet built-in functions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does that make sense?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * I thiiiiiiink you might not mean eval but I'm interested in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what kind of problem you're solving! :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cora
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:41 PM Jack Park <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a class which treats a sequence as a conjunctive list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of objects which, when evaluated, return a boolean.  It is an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attempt to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use doseq to walk along that list, evaluating each entry, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anding that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result with  boolean atom. It fails. A sketch of the code is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this - taken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the error message:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inside (defn AndList...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (reify
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ie4clj.api.Inferrable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     (defn evalMembers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         [members]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         (defn result (atom true))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         (doseq [x members]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             (result = (and result (eval x))))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         (println (clojure.core/deref result))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     (result))) - *failed: vector? at: [:fn-tail :arity-1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :params] spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It could be that my Java background is clouding my use of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clojure. Any comments will be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jack
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>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 6:21 PM Jack Park <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> (every? eval members)  does not appear to work on a list of
>>>>>>>>>>>> functions designed to evaluate to a boolean.
>>>>>>>>>>>> That code is used in a function evaluateAnd
>>>>>>>>>>>> Two simple tests
>>>>>>>>>>>> (evaluateAnd [true true] --> true
>>>>>>>>>>>> (evaluateAnd [true false] --> nil (why not "false" as the
>>>>>>>>>>>> every? examples show?)
>>>>>>>>>>>> The specific code for building the list of functions is this
>>>>>>>>>>>> (def x (atom []))
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (let [result (list (ref SimpleTrue) (ref SimpleFalse))]
>>>>>>>>>>>>     (println "BAL1" result )
>>>>>>>>>>>>     (reset! x result)
>>>>>>>>>>>>     )
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (println "BAL2" @x )
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (@x) <<<< returns the atom's value
>>>>>>>>>>>> And the final println is this
>>>>>>>>>>>> BAL2 (#object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x335b5620 {:status :ready, :val
>>>>>>>>>>>> #object[ie4clj.Tests$SimpleTrue 0x6eb2384f 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ie4clj.Tests$SimpleTrue@6eb2384f]}]
>>>>>>>>>>>> #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x3c9c0d96 {:status :ready, :val
>>>>>>>>>>>> #object[ie4clj.Tests$SimpleFalse 0x31dadd46
>>>>>>>>>>>> ie4clj.Tests$SimpleFalse@31dadd46]}])
>>>>>>>>>>>> evaluateAnd never saw the result, with this error message
>>>>>>>>>>>> clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
>>>>>>>>>>>> The test which fails is this
>>>>>>>>>>>>  (def result (evaluateAnd  (buildAndList) ))  <<< fails here
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (println "bar" result)
>>>>>>>>>>>>   (result)
>>>>>>>>>>>> The googleverse seems to agree that there are extra parens
>>>>>>>>>>>> around the value. Google isn't giving me an obvious way to take 
>>>>>>>>>>>> that value
>>>>>>>>>>>> outside of its surrounding parens (bal2 above).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Still looking, and hoping that solves the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe there's a way to go back to buildAndList and not return
>>>>>>>>>>>> the value with parens.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 11:23 AM Cora Sutton <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jack!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I could be wrong but I think this could just be: (every? eval
>>>>>>>>>>>>> members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see a few things here that seem strange to me so I wanted to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> share a few points that might be helpful (or might not, let me 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know either
>>>>>>>>>>>>> way) for future code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * So typically you don't want to def or defn within another
>>>>>>>>>>>>> function call since that will define a new value at the top level.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (defn foo []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (def bar 1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (println (inc bar))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (foo)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; ^^ calling foo will define bar at the top level
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bar
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; => 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; whoops, didn't mean to have that at the top level like that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; imagine if two different threads called that in parallel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ::grimace::
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead, you usually want to use the let function:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So in your code you might use this something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (let [result (atom true)]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ....)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The error you're seeing is from the (defn result ...) in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> code, you're missing the argument vector [] after result --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so it would look like (defn result [] (atom true)) -- but you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> really don't want to defn like that, I think.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * To update an atom's value you don't want to assign like
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that, you want to use swap!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (swap! f
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        (fn [cur-val new-val] (and cur-val new-val))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        (eval member))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You probably don't want to use an atom here. Atoms are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> usually for data that you intend to have multiple threads 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessing. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this case it's just a value that changes during a single thread's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution
>>>>>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How else could you solve this if not for the very convenient
>>>>>>>>>>>>> every? function? There are a bunch of ways! Here are a few,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with things written out pretty explicitly so they're more clear.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loop/recur:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (loop [result true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        remaining-members members]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (let [member (first remaining-members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         remaining-members (rest members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         new-result (eval member)]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     (if new-result
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       (recur true remaining-members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       false)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduce v1:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (reduce (fn [result member]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           (and result
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                (eval member)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduce v2.0, that will now stop iterating once one of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> members evals to false:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (reduce (fn [_ member]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           (or (eval member)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>               (reduced false)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         members)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My point with sharing these is that in clojure usually the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> best way to solve these problems is to pass new values to the next
>>>>>>>>>>>>> iteration while accumulating a result instead of changing a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> variable on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> each iteration. Or to use one of these sweet built-in functions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does that make sense?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * I thiiiiiiink you might not mean eval but I'm interested in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what kind of problem you're solving! :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cora
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:41 PM Jack Park <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a class which treats a sequence as a conjunctive list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of objects which, when evaluated, return a boolean.  It is an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attempt to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use doseq to walk along that list, evaluating each entry, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anding that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result with  boolean atom. It fails. A sketch of the code is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this - taken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the error message:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inside (defn AndList...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (reify
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ie4clj.api.Inferrable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     (defn evalMembers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         [members]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         (defn result (atom true))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         (doseq [x members]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             (result = (and result (eval x))))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         (println (clojure.core/deref result))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     (result))) - *failed: vector? at: [:fn-tail :arity-1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :params] spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It could be that my Java background is clouding my use of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clojure. Any comments will be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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