> What really puzzles me is that it doesn't seem to be generally
> regarded as idiomatic Clojure style to just use top-level (let)s for
> your "private" globals. This has lots of benefits:
> - If you do this you can make them actually, genuinely private, rather
> than just marked as "please don't use this"
> - You get more self-documenting source code: (let [x 1] (defn foo []
> (...use x...))) is clear about how and where x will be used, while
> (def- x 1) (defn foo [] (...use x...)) leaves open the possibility
> that x is important all over the namespace.
> - You avoid runtime var-deref costs for constants that will never
> change.
> I find this style so useful and readable that I'm curious why it isn't
> more popular in the community at large.

Top-level lets make it more difficult for tools to statically analyze code.

Of course said tools are largely hypothetical at present. :-)


Stuart Halloway

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