Your advice makes good sense, but I can't make it work. Per that advice, I paste some of my function definitions into the core.clj file of the project "prjctOne" and proceed thusly:

larrytravis$ lein install
Copying 1 file to /Users/larrytravis/prjctOne/lib
No namespaces to :aot compile listed in project.clj.
Created /Users/larrytravis/prjctOne/prjctOne-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Wrote pom.xml
[INFO] Installing /Users/larrytravis/prjctOne/prjctOne-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /Users/larrytravis/.m2/repository/prjctOne/prjctOne/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/prjctOne-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

But when I create a new project prjctTwo, I can't figure out what dependency declaration for it gives a prjctTwo Slime REPL access to the functions in prjctOne. That is, what would correspond to the [utilities "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"] vector in your example?

On 4/28/12 4:46 AM, Sean Corfield wrote:
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 12:21 AM, Larry Travis<>  wrote:
I have installed Leiningen not so much to manage projects but to enable use
of clojure-jack-in as a means of getting Swank and Slime to work.  And they
do work for me.  But now I have a question that I can't find an answer for
in any  Leiningen documentation I know about. I have a largish, previously
created group of clj local files that exist on my system and whose function
definitions I want to use in my further work.  Is there a way to specify
such local files in a project :dependencies declaration -- or do I have to
do a load-file on each of them once I get a Slime REPL running for the
project (or maybe insert them all into the src/core.clj file of the project
and do a single load-file on it)?
Once possibility is to put all those files into a project together,
let's called it utilities and assume it has a 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT version.

Then you can run 'lein install' and it'll package them up and put them
in your local repository.

Then, wherever you want to use them in another project, just declare a
dependency on [utilities "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"] and Leiningen will
automatically pull them in (from your local repo).

Then you just use/require the namespace(s) containing the relevant functions.

Does that help?

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