
On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 20:17 -0400, Jason Tackaberry wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 23:27 +0100, Matthew Allum wrote:
> > I've never noticed high CPU usage with
> > clutter_texture_set_from_rgb_data(). Have you tried profiling it to
> > check if it really is set_from_rgb_data and if it is, if anything bad is
> > happening below in COGL ?
> I had profiled it insofar as commenting out the call to
> clutter_texture_set_from_rgb_data(), which when doing so the CPU usage
> dropped to zero.
> On my system, the call itself takes about 1700us for a 640x480 image
> (and uses about 35% cpu for 60fps), and a 1920x1080 image takes around
> 12000us (and uses ~80% cpu).
> I'll do some better profiling inside clutter to figure out what's going
> on.  Speeds that bad smells like maybe a mesa fallback.  I do know that
> evas is much faster at updating textures, so there's nothing
> intrinsically problematic with my card or driver.
> I've attached a simple test to benchmark this.  I wonder how it compares
> with other graphics cards / drivers?

Thinking a bit more about this, CPU usage could be happening if the
Texture is 'sliced' - i.e the driver cant do NPOTs sized textures so the
displayed texture is made up on many smaller POT ones. 

Could you try adding 'g_object_set (tex, "disable-slicing", TRUE, NULL);
to the test and see if that makes any difference for you.

Also I kind of assumed your h/w would be able to do NPOTS, so it could
be a bug in COGL. The COGL stuff has recently been completely rewritten
(for 0.8) and its complex stuff so there is bound to be a few wrinkles.

> > Path2 should ultimately be fastest and most portable hardware wise.
> Yes, although path 1 is providing immediate gratification (at least for
> nvidia), performs very well (it is viable to use for 1080p h264 video),
> and has the benefit of not requiring to write custom VOs for the players
> we want to support.

Yeah understand.

> Unfortunately, it seems clutter_glx_texture_pixmap_new_with_window()
> doesn't work on Intel GMA, although the x11 variant does.  (I had a
> friend test it, and it segfaults.)  Might anyone know what's missing in
> terms of support from the intel driver and/or mesa for this to work?

I think there are bugs in some intel drivers where they claim support
tfp but dont and the fallback code is a little broken currently in trunk
(there are a couple of bugs open, going to look into fixing today - have
been battling tfp mipmaps and no joy :( )

> As an aside, I started playing with clutter for the first time on
> Saturday, and the more I dig into it, the more I am impressed by it.
> Very nice code and design, and I appreciate the fact that it provides
> lower level hooks at various layers, right down to
> cogl_texture_new_from_foreign().  Shows good foresight, as it's quite
> frustrating to have your hands tied by an inflexible or immature API.
> So kudos to the development team and contributors.

Thank you! Much appreciated :D

  == Matthew

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