Some great advice!  My wife, a very reluctant sailor, sought advice years ago 
from Edwin Gaynor (RIP). She did not act on his advice - which was " go racing" 
until this year. Made all the difference - along with sailing with girl friends 
on the Ideal 18s. 

Indigo C&C 35III

> On Sep 22, 2014, at 13:26, Edd Schillay via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> All,
>       I’ve been lucky as well, but I can offer up some good tips:
> 1. If you race the boat, get her on to the racing team. I know this may 
> create the Seinfeld-esqe paradox of “Worlds Colliding”, but her comfort level 
> will increase drastically when she sees the boat heeling while under the 
> control of you and your able crew. A lot of her discomfort is based on safety 
> concerns, and when she’s out with you, she may think you are faking it by 
> pretending to enjoy the heel. Seeing it happen regularly to the delight of 
> you and others will go a long way.
> 2. Give her the wheel from time to time. Let her feel the power and control. 
> And don’t appear nervous - if she sees you enjoying the angle while she’s 
> driving, she’ll come to enjoy it while you are. 
> 3. Get her a big, comfy chair. We have one of these on board: 
>  Yes, it may interfere with getting to the winch handle. But when she’s 
> comfortable on board, she’ll gladly move when you make adjustments. Plus, a 
> comfy seat will cradle her and make her more comfortable. There’s a reason 
> why they have bucket seats and not benches in sports cars. 
> 4. Let her add her personal touches on board. This past weekend, David Risch, 
> possibly to protect his masculinity hard-core racing image, was very quick to 
> point out that the frilly blue throw pillows in the cockpit were all Diane’s 
> idea and not his. Now I know how much we all like our boats to look fabulous, 
> but not, you know, FABULOUS, but, even still, just having them there, for 
> her, will make the boat that much more inviting to her. Good move, David. And 
> yes, the Enterprise has throw pillows on board too (but way more manly than 
> the ones David has.)  :-)
> 5. Attend a Rendezvous. She’ll talk with the other spouses because, frankly, 
> she doesn’t want to hear the story that you’re telling the other guys about 
> how you braved the latest storm or finished a race with a leaking bilge pump. 
> And, surprisingly enough, you’ll find that they’re not talking about fashion, 
> flowers, frilly things or how much men suck, but about their experiences on 
> their boats — the exciting times, the scary times and how they felt when 
> things went wrong. They won’t feel alone and they will enjoy it all, even the 
> heeling, that much more. 
>       All the best,
>       Edd
>       Edd M. Schillay
>       Starship Enterprise
>       C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
>       City Island, NY 
>       Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log
>> On Sep 22, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Gary Nylander via CnC-List 
>> <> wrote:
>> I've been lucky. My first admiral was gung-ho for almost anything thrilling, 
>> so sailing on the windows was not a problem. We used to take our Coronado 15 
>> dinghy out into the ocean from Marina del Rey and up to Santa Monica and 
>> back - surfing down the side of waves on the way back. (she then co-drove 
>> the IMSA 911).... 
>> Second admiral was much the same way - another 911 person - now the co-owner 
>> of Penniless - and running second in the Wednesday night B fleet (has a 
>> first place trophy from a few years back).
>> Current admiral was raised by a father with an old Alden 46 yawl. After many 
>> summers spent sanding and varnishing, he would take it out when the wind was 
>> over 15, so it would move. Now, she doesn't like it when the rail is not 
>> close to the waves.
>> As I said, I'm lucky.
>> Gary
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Jean-Francois J Rivard via CnC-List
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 9:41 AM
>> Subject: Stus-List wife dosen't like it when the boat leans
>> I'm in the same boat (Pun intended) 
>> The kids dig it, every one except the dog and my wife loves to hang out on 
>> the rail when the wind pipes up.  No matter how much I tell my wife that the 
>> lake winds and little chop are not even close to being a challenge for a 
>> boat that was meant for offshore racing / cruising she just sits there 
>> worried..  
>> My biggest problem is that she does not participate much anymore.  The few 
>> times she was grinding or doing something she kinda got into it.  We tried 
>> her at the helm many times, she does not have much of a feel for it  and 
>> typically looses focus which turns into luffing / half tacks..    When I try 
>> to talk her through it, she takes it as a personal dig on her sailing 
>> skills.  Obviously,  she's a bit short on skills, she's have never sailed 
>> before. 
>> My next attempt is to get her to take lessons from the local guy at the 
>> marina.  (We're overdue for formal stuff) I meant to do it last year but 
>> much needed boat maintenance / updates drained the available funds.  I 
>> figure (Hope) she'll be more receptive to the instructor's advice and 
>> instructions. 
>> I think if we can get her busy on the boat, she'll enjoy it better. 
>> -Francois
>> 1990 34+ "Take Five" 
>> Lake Lanier, Georgia
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