Thanks. That did it. Interestingly, not only did the Applie Migration 
tool not flag a potential problem, but the docs on NSWindow and 
releaseWhenClosed don't even hint of it.

> Hi Tom,
> > On Sep 14, 2021, at 9:53 AM, Tom Doan via Cocoa-dev
> > <> wrote:
> > 
> > I have a multiple platform application (Windows, Mac, GTK) that is
> > primarily organized using C++ with Objective-C used for the
> > Mac-specific interface. I recently switched to use ARC (as we are
> > using Scintilla which recently switched to ARC). However, I am
> > getting a zombied release of an NSWindow instance. So far as I can
> > tell, the memory handling of this seemed to be fine pre-ARC.
> > Unfortunately, because it's an NSWindow, the Instruments output for
> > it has 100's of toolbox calls, so it's very hard to tell where the
> > extra release is. What should I be looking for? 
> > 
> > Just to describe this, there's an EWindow C++ structure which has
> > the NSWindow * as a member (under Mac OS; it's an HWND under Windows
> > and Widget under GTK). It's after the delete of the EWindow that
> > things go south. I'm assuming that ARC is putting in a release, but
> > I haven't really seen any good description of how ARC interacts with
> > C++. A release there seems fine---the question is where is the
> > earlier (apparently erroneous) release.
> ARC will insert code at the end of your C++ destructor to release any
> strong id members.
> One possible wrinkle is the default release-when-close behavior of
> NSWindow.  By default, when an NSWindow is `-close`d (which can only
> happen once in its lifetime), AppKit sends it a `-release`.  The idea
> is that this release balances the initial `+alloc`.
> However, this is somewhat incompatible with ARC, which doesn´t know
> about this special behavior and will attempt to insert its own release
> to balance the alloc.
> Here is an example of a program that works perfectly fine under MRR
> but crashes under ARC:
>         #import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
>         NSWindow *window;
>         int main(void) {
>                 @autoreleasepool {
>                         window = [[NSWindow alloc]
>                         initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0., 0., 100.,
>                         100.) styleMask:NSWindowStyleMaskTitled
>                         backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
>                         [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; [window
>                         close]; window = nil;
>                 }
>         }
> You can disable this behavior by changing the `releasedWhenClosed`
> property of the window to `NO`:
>         [window setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
> Matt

2717 Harrison St
Evanston, IL 60201


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