I know definitely, that the first approach (e.g. copying and renaming the
whole webapp in the webapps-folder) will function ;)

> Von: "Boris Althaus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organisation: PetraProductions GmbH
> Antworten an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Datum: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 21:51:19 +0200
> Betreff: multiple cocoons in tomcat

> Hallo Cocoonlist,
> what would be the right approach to have different undependent cocoonsites?
> 1. To copy all cocoon-classes in every webapp or
> 2. to copy the cocoon-classes into catalina_home/common/lib or
> Does have somebody experiences in this term.
> Thanks in advance
> Boris Althaus

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