we use the same cocoon instance to serve up to 10 web sites using sub site
map for each one on a PII 650 Linux server with 128MB ram (an upgrade is
now in progress)

the only problem we have is with warpConnection
now we consider to leave warp solution for mod proxy
to have apache at front

i think that multiple cocoon instances will cause more load to our box
one with multiple sub-sitemaps


On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Boris Althaus wrote:

> Hallo Cocoonlist,
> what would be the right approach to have different undependent cocoonsites?
> 1. To copy all cocoon-classes in every webapp or
> 2. to copy the cocoon-classes into catalina_home/common/lib or
> Does have somebody experiences in this term.
> Thanks in advance
> Boris Althaus

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