On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:08 AM, Tim Spalding <t...@librarything.com> wrote:
> I'm inclined to start adding it to the "I'm talking about" and "I'm
> adding" links on LibraryThing. I imagine it could be easily added to
> many library applications too—anywhere there is or could be a "share
> this on Twitter" link, including OPACs, citation managers, library
> event feeds, etc.

You might want to add it now, but I don't think annotations are
available yet in Twitter. If you haven't seen it already Marcel Molina
of Twitter outlined how annotations might work in a post he made to
the twitter-api discussion list [1].

> So the question is the format. Only a maniac would suggest MARC. For
> size and other reasons, even MODS is too much. But perhaps we can
> borrow the barest of field names from MODS, COinS, or from the most
> commonly used bibliographic format, Amazon XML.
> Thoughts?

It sounds like a good idea to have a common pattern. I could
definitely see a use case for wanting to aggregate conversations
around books and such.


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