Do you have the same feelings for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems to me that members@ is akin to a community-dev list, while
community@ is akin to a community-users list. Any reason to keep members@
should exist for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I agree that MS Patent stuff is boring and unnecessary on a community
list. Go read groklaw. However, discussions on whether a python community
should exist seem to be perfectly designed for the community list (unless
they cross-post to all python interested mailing lists), as it pertains
to the future of how Apache balances itself.

ie) a wide-base of projects with various vertical technology communities.


On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> --On Wednesday, July 21, 2004 12:54 PM -0600 "Adam R. B. Jack"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1) I might've missed a better place to post, I don't think so. I thought
> > about it for a while, and this was the best I came up with. So if you know
> > of one, then maybe I'm simply clueless, not lazy. Otherwise, here it is.
> My take is, "right idea, wrong place."  Not your fault.  I might even
> subscribe to such a list.  But, I fail to see what is ASF-specific about a
> python-talk list?  It's not, and hence shouldn't be hosted by the ASF.
> > 3) The ASF mantra of "it's the community not the technology" really
> > dictates a community@ list. I'm sorry if you feel it is a waste, I don't.
> That's inaccurate.  A better phrase, "It's the community [around the
> technology] not the technology."  community@ serves no place as it has
> nothing to do with anything that the ASF does or will ever do.
> > 4) "personal soapbox medium" -- GAK! Why would anybody out of diapers
> > waste breath on soapboxing? Come on, give the community some credit...
> I don't see why the ASF should care about potential MS patent attacks.
> That has no place on an ASF-sponsored list.  From my perspective,
> community@ is and persists to be a giant waste of time.
> (If you are on or know of FoRK, that's a list that laps up pointless
> conversations like the one re: patents.)
> > I'm just floating this idea. If you and/or others want to kill it, so be
> > it. If it go nowhere 'cos of lack of support of the ASF powers that be,
> > so be it. Python (for better or worse) is becoming part of ASF, but it is
> > less well understood/supported than Java. I was just hoping for a bit of
> > help getting some things going...
> Again, a list is fine.  I'd just prefer to find someone else to host it:
> the ASF isn't the end-all-be-all to all of your hosting needs.  And,
> obviously, feel free to invite all of the ASF folks to that list.  -- justin
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