Niclas Hedhman wrote:

The problem that Nicola perhaps doesn't realize is that, for Apache to be long-term viable, it constantly needs to revive and evolve itself. Otherwise it will become a speck in history, and not a dominant force of horizontal open-source projects. And as you, Ceki, correctly point out, suche evolution is likely to come from a minority and possibly not from the top-tier.

I very much agree with that.

Unfortunately, what Avalon proposes now is a friction-based style of community development which impedence creates mismatch with the consensus-based style of community developement that is welcome and incubated in all other projects.

This impedence mismatch requires continue energy from the top to be controlled.

Now the board is left to determine if we want to promote this new style to top level or not and, as a director of the foundation, I have *NOT* seen anything that indicates that this approach works better, or even equivalently well, with the style that we have today in place.

If you want to change my mind, that's how you start: tell me what is the benefit for the ASF in promoting this style of community building, despite its long-term history of social energy waste, frustration and contract instability.


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