Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

> Agreed - brevity is because we're busy and we want to save the time of
> our busy colleagues,


I wondered whether QuickText
would help here. I never came around providing enough canned answers
to be useful though  :-(  Accumulating canonical non-rude answers to
FAQs could be a yet another community project, if getting them into
TB from the web would be sufficiently easy.

Straying a bit from the thread topic: my personal experiments to
filter FAQish candidates out of the email stream for semi-automated
answers failed so far, partly due to the highly non-standard english
used by the posters which escaped even sophisticated statistical

There are also those slightly naive people who just don't recognize the
complexity of the technologies they attempt to deal with: "I downloaded
FOP and run the examples. Now I have a 25GB database and have to
produce some 100+ complex reports, how do I do it? Please help!"

See also
way down under the "snippets" subheading. Could be a bugzilla/jira
feature request unless the idea has already been patented elsewhere.


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