<<Never thought of refill kits. Not my top choice because of inconvenience but I guess the savings would
make sense with this being an older printer >> I've never had much luck with the refill kits for my Stylewriter carts. I think my problem is that I wait too long before refilling the cartridge so that the sponge inside is already dried out and will not accept the ink being injected(merely overflows). I think the secret is to refill just at the right time, while the sponge still has some wetness, but it's difficult determining when that right time is! Saul Broudy Philadelphia, PA USA -- Compact Macs is sponsored by <http://lowendmac.com/>. Support Low End Mac <http://lowendmac.com/lists/support.html> Compact Macs list info: <http://lowendmac.com/lists/compact.shtml> --> AOL users, remove "mailto:" Send list messages to: <mailto:compact.macs@mail.maclaunch.com> To unsubscribe, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For digest mode, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subscription questions: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Archive:<http://www.mail-archive.com/compact.macs%40mail.maclaunch.com/> --------------------------------------------------------------- iPod Accessories for Less at 1-800-iPOD.COM Fast Delivery, Low Price, Good Deal www.1800ipod.com ---------------------------------------------------------------