Hello Magnus,

I am glad to hear your experiment in 19x19.
Your pruning is based on expert go knowledge or another statistic?
Do have some statistics of the level of your pruning method against another
program (let's say gnugo :)) in 19x19?


2007/1/11, Magnus Persson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am currently working with different pruning methods for 19x19 go.
What worked
for Valkyria on 9x9 become much to slow on 19x19 where full board
evaluation of
several 100 moves simply does not work. During christmas I was able to
prune the
number of candiate moves to perhaps a factor 4-20 depending on the
stage of the
game. It now starts to play much better with a minute per move, but I did
experiment where I let have 10 minutes per move (it took several days to
that game) and for some moves I let it think for an hour. It was 9
game and when it resigned it was only losing with 4.5 points. One game
does not
prove anything, but it showed that my MC implementation has the potential
long as it become more efficient. That is by better move pruning methods
faster hardware. And improvements to the main algorithms of the progam
of course also make a difference.

I have said this before but I repeat my point here that is that MC
cannot just be moved from 9x9 to 19x19 right away. It will take a lot of
ideas, but eventually I think really strong programs are possible even on
present hardware, and these programs will of course scale very wll on
19x19. It
is my impression that scalability might even be better on 19x19 than for

Quoting Sylvain Gelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 2007/1/11, steve uurtamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > Well then the time is now.   Look at the Sylvain's post on the
>> > scalability of Mogo.
>> if the improvement continues to hold with more doublings, that's
>> great.
> I did not do further experiments as 35k simulations per move already
> 30s per move, so about 1h15min per game. As I never consider making less
> than 200 or 400 or even 800 games to have precise statistics, you can
> imagine the amount of computer time it asks.
> I have precise statistics only with 35k and 70k, and unprecises with 2
> minutes per move.
> Yet, for scalability issues I could consider making much less games. If
> lab's cluster becomes available again, I will certainly try and post the
> results.

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