The new scalability study is in progress.  It will be very slow going, 
only a few games a day can be played but we are trying to get more
computers utilized. 

I will update the data a few times a day for all to see.   This includes
a crosstable and ratings graphs.   The games will be made available for
anyone who wants them.

Although it's not on the graph itself,  Gnugo-3.7.11 level 10 is set to
be 1800.0 ELO.    The bayeselo program is used to calculate ratings.

Results can be found here:

bayeslo assumes all players are equal strength until significant
evidence proves otherwise,  and with only a few games played each,  the
graph will look truly strange, but this will correct itself in time.

Each data point in the x axis represent a doubling in power.   There are
13 doublings represented and mogo was set to approximate FatMan in
strength at each point - at least at the lower level but only with a
very crude and rough estimate.     Since I don't know how well mogo
scales compared to FatMan, we can only wait and see how this works out
at the top levels.

- Don

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