Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 20:31 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
>> Although it's not on the graph itself,  Gnugo-3.7.11 level 10 is set to
>> be 1800.0 ELO.
> On the web page it says you are using --min-level 8 --max-level 8.
I realized after I started the study that I was using the wrong level -
I had intended to start with level 10 but it's actually level 8.     I
kicked myself for that - but I don't want to change it now.     It's
just a point of reference anyway.

>> Each data point in the x axis represent a doubling in power.   There are
>> 13 doublings represented
> This is a bit confusing.  I think it's clearer to say there is 1
> baseline and 12 doublings.  It's also confusing on the web page that
> Mogo_01 actually corresponds to 0 doublings in the graph.
> So if I understand correctly:
> Mogo_13 = 64 * 2^12 = 262,144 simulations
> FatMan_13 = 1024 * 2^12 = 4,194,304 simulations
I'm still tweaking the web page.    Take a look at it now and tell me
what you think.

Your formula is correct,  Mogo_01 is 64 simulation and FatMan_01 is 1024
simulations.   I ran off a few fast games before I started to get a
rough idea of equivalence and it's an amazing 16 to 1 at the low
levels.    Have no idea how each programs scales to higher levels.   It
will take many games for the ratings to have any meaning. 

- Don

> Sorry for the minor nitpicks.  Looking forward to the results!
> -Jeff
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