Quoting steve uurtamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

the thing that got me thinking about this is that i've never seen an MC
player really play out a ko fight.  (or perhaps they are in their own cryptic
MC way that i can't see).

It takes two to dance a Tango! For example ko fights on 9x9 occur late in the game so often the ko does not matter and both programs know it. Or both programs knows who is going to win the fight and the losing program will try to do something else.

In other words: If a human player plays the losing side I think most strong MC-programs will play correctly if the ko-fight is necessary to win.

Of course as always this depends on how deep the program searches and the complexity of the situation. But in my experience ko fights is not a special weakness of MC-programs it is just one of many kinds of tactical complexity that the tree-part search has to deal with.

Still it is an interesting question if there are some good simple tricks one can use in the playouts to make the program play even stronger in ko fights.


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