It depends very much on what exactly you mean by "amateur master level". Is it 
a level that compares to amateur master level in chess?
And what is amateur master level in chess? USCF master, FIDE master or 
international master?
Some time ago I participated in a discussion about comparing chess titles to go 
ranks by evaluating effort, prestige and other factors [1].
In my opinion:
1: USCF master compares to about 4d
2: FIDE master compares to about 6d
3: International master compares to about 7d/1p
If we assume that mogo on Huygens is about 2d, it think it hasn't quite reached 
"amateur master level" in any chess meaning of the word. It would only compare 
to a fairly strong USCF class A chess player.
[1] discussion and my proposal in a table near the bottom of


Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] namens Jason House
Verzonden: di 18-11-2008 14:25
Aan: computer-go
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] Re: Opportunity to promote ...

On Nov 18, 2008, at 7:43 AM, Michael Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

> The "well" at the end of the title is implied.  And computers still 
> can't play 19x19 Go anywhere near the master level.

I'm not very familiar with go terms, but I think kyu means student and 
dan means master.

It may be better to say something like computers may have reached 
amateur master using super computers, but are still far away from 
professional play

> Ingo Althöfer wrote:
>> Dear Bob Hearn,
>> it is not what you have been looking for, but nevertheless
>> I want to ask you if the title of your talk
>> "Games Computers Can't Play" is still up-to-date.
>> I would accept something like "Games Computers Could not play well 
>> before 2003",
>> but Monte Carlo has changed our world. Ingo Althofer.
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