Not sure if I buy that. For any complex game, you have a range or random player to best-in-world player. There are nearly infinite actual ratings between the two. Since Go is clearly more complex than chess, Go's "nearly infinite" is probably larger that chess's "nearly infinite", but that's beside the point because both are much larger than the number of humans to ever have existed.

Don Dailey wrote:
On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 10:24 -0800, Christoph Birk wrote:
That should not matter much. The typical chess player should be
"as strong" as the typical Go player and I also expect the strength
distribution to follow similar lines.

Larry Kaufman,  a chess Grandmaster and also an expert in many games
once told me that there are many more levels in Go than in chess.

For instance in chess, your rating can range from about 500 to 2800 or
so (roughly.)   You can have a rating less than 500 of course and some
do, but 500 represents something like someone who just learned the rules
give or take.   But for arguments sake let's say that 99% of all players
are well within a span of 3000 ELO points to be generous.
For 19x19 go, assuming we were to use ELO ratings the range would be
much higher according to Larry.    So it could be more like 4000 or
5000, I don't know.
So I don't know for sure what you mean when you say the strength
distribution follows similar lines.
For comparison purposes maybe we need to identify the "median player"
somehow and extrapolate from there.    But if you take the median for
both games, and assign them some fixed elo,  I think you would find the
top GO players had ELO ratings hundreds of points higher than the top
Chess players.
There is yet no ceiling on how strong chess players can be either, so I
assume the same for GO, even more so.    The top playing chess program
seems to be at least 200 ELO stronger than the best human and they
continue to improve every year.   And it's still very clear that they
could improve a lot.
- Don


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