On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Don Dailey <drdai...@cox.net> wrote:
> So I think we have to embrace the fact that hardware is a part of these
> kinds of advancements.   In fact I have always believe this anyway,  the
> whole idea behind computing is to perform simple and stupid operations
> very very quickly.    It's easy to forget that everything about
> computing and what is possible is tied to the power of the hardware.
> There is another school of thought that I somewhat subscribe to and I
> think you are alluding to, that we have been spoiled by the power and do
> not look for the most efficient way to do things.

That is another matter, one that I agree with. But that was not what I
was alluding to. If anything, the fact that MC programs are highly
scalable puts much more focus on efficient algorithms than has been
the case in prior years.

As with any IT problem, Computer-Go is both about hardware and
software. I have no problem with that, it's the nature of computers
and software. What I was alluding to was that I hope the software
doesn't take a back-seat to the increase of hardware. I don't think
it's nearly as interesting if it becomes a competition of who can
bring the biggest piece of iron or who can arrange the biggest sponsor
to pay for hardware (which is a bit what happened with Deep Blue).

In the meantime, I think the advances that MC programs have brought
are great. And so is the attention the matches get when playing
against a pro with a super-computer.

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