Kato, have you compared the speed of the simulations on PS3 SPE to the speed
of the simulations on PC, given that the program is optimized for the cpu on
both sides.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:40 AM, Hideki Kato <hideki_ka...@ybb.ne.jp> wrote:

> Darren Cook: <49463016.1020...@dcook.org>:
> >> Advertisement: Fudo Go used a desktop pc (Intel Q9550) and _eight_
> >> Playstation 3 consoles on a private Gigabit Ethernet LAN.
> >
> >Hello Kato-sensei,
> Hello Darren,
> BTW, I'm not a sensei (Professor) but just a doctor course student of
> 55 years old :).
> >Are you able to use all 8 cores of the playstation? So, with the 4 of
> >the Q9550, 68 cores altogether? Do you, or your students, have any
> >papers on the hardware challenges/solutions?
> Usual applications can use not 8 but 7 cores in fact because one SPU
> is used exclusively to protect the secured contents by firmware.  PPU
> is not used for MC simulations but the commnunications over
> network etc.
> I used one core of Intel for the client (UCT tree searcher) and other
> three for internal MC simulators and 8 times 6 SPU's external.
> Thus, 51 cores are uesd for MC simulations in total.  The eight PS3
> consoles boosted Fudo Go by, perhaps, 2 or 3 stones (ranks) on 19
> x 19.  The difference of the performance between 4 and 8 PS3's is
> clear but I'm not sure all 6 SPU's are working in full duty, though
> I'll study it soon.
> My last paper on parallel MCTS has no description about the
> implementation for Cell BE.  I'll submit longer paper in this
> month but if you want to know the detail of my implementation now, you
> can have the source code of Fudo-Go-2nd-UEC-Cup version, which is
> exactly what I used for the tournament.
> http://www.geocities.jp/hideki_katoh/release/fudo-go-2nd-uec-cup.tar.gz
> Hideki
> --
> g...@nue.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Kato)
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