there are no chains of size 30 on a 5x5 board, and if after a
"large" capture the remaining stones are unconditionally alive
the void at the location of the capture cannot be very large.
Do remember that we are talking about 5x5 with the first
move in the center as the winning move.


On 22, May 2009, at 3:15 PM, Dave Dyer wrote:

You can just prove that you can make a large-enough chain that is
unconditionally alive. I believe that's what Erik did. In practice,
you cannot do an exhaustive search using superko rules because then
hash table scores cannot be used.

I don't think you can always do that.  For example, if white
is capturing a chain of size 30, how can you prove that black
can never profit by continuing inside that 30 space void. In
fact, in many cases you can demonstrate that he should.

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