Having made suggestions for how to start study by restricting tree depth, let me continue by making suggestions for restricted breadth. For decades everybody has been complaining about a too great branching factor. Cut it right at its source: Add presuppositions aka rules that restrict it. Examples:
"It is prohibited to atari a string while creating a ladder."
"The next play may not be farther than X intersections from the previous play's nearest strings." "Condition C must be fulfilled for playing farther than X intersections from the previous play."
You could also invent rules that depend on the structure of game trees!

Do you notice a similarity? MC has done such. Not on the rules level but on the heuristic search level. MC is a way of creating weak solutions in a sense and it has been a bit successful. Why not also create weak solutions on the level of presuppositions and rules?! Just because we are too proud to solve anything less than Go under complete ordinary rules immediately?

robert jasiek
computer-go mailing list

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