Normalizing the probabilities and re-throwing the frisbee until it lands in
a valid move are equivalent, of course.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 5:01 AM, David Peters <> wrote:

> To keep changes to the protocol and number of parameters low, wouldn't it
> be a possibility to consider multiple 'throws' of a frisbee?
> So if the engine decides to play a move you have the described arrangement
> of hitting adjactent fields with probability eps. If this results in a move
> outside the board or an illegal move, you just repeat until you get a legal
> move. This could even mean, that you could even use an existing engine
> without change. You just add the additional step generating the random
> noise on the moves.
> Or is this orthogonal to the envisioned game?
> Best regards,
> David Peters
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 12. November 2015 um 10:24 Uhr
> *Von:* "Darren Cook" <>
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* Re: [Computer-go] Frisbee Go Simulation
> > If one or two of these cells are outside the board the
> > move will count as a pass. If the landing cell is occupied by another
> > stone the move is also counted as a pass. Illegal moves are also counted
> > as pass moves.
> Alternatively, the probability could be adjusted for the number of legal
> moves. (E.g. taking the easy example of (1,1) on an empty board,and eps
> of 0.2, you'd adjust (1,1), (2,1) and (1,2) to each be 1/3 probability).
> This does away with the involuntary pass concept. (But if you keep it, I
> agree with John Tromp that it is just a wasted move, not able to cause
> early game termination.)
> Darren
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