Quoting Bill L'Hommedieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'll be moving into an apartment (don't know which yet) in Arlington
from a single family home and wonder what options for cable/satellite
exist. I suspect the Comcast is the only choice. If that's true, what's
the service like on the bundle of TV, phone and internet. Is FiOS
available in multi-unit rentals/condos?

FiOS *is* available to multi-unit buildings. Some friends of mine have it (in Annapolis). I don't know if they have to build it in with the building (their's is a fairly new building), or if they can retrofit. It seems like apartments/condos would be fairly profitable pickin's for Verizon since the potential customers are--literally--right on top of each other.

As for Comcast's bundle, I don't know, but you can tell them that you can get Verizon's Triple Play for $99 and see if they'll match it.


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