As the other comments have indicated, Comcast
service is very uneven.  I have them for Internet
and Cable here in NJ, and I have had enough
issues with them that I don't like them very much,
but not enough to motivate me to change just
yet.  FIOS is available from Verizon in my area, and
I have been getting the hard sell from them, but I
don't know enough about the quality of their service
in my area to justify switching to them.

Bob Garfield (of PBS's show, On the Media) has
had some bad experiences with Comcast and
has started a website, <>
 for others to air their gripes.  You might want to go
there and see if any of the people reporting
problems live near where you're moving.


Subject: Comcast bundle feedback

I'll be moving into an apartment (don't know which yet) in Arlington
from a single family home and wonder what options for cable/satellite
exist. I suspect the Comcast is the only choice. If that's true, what's
the service like on the bundle of TV, phone and internet. Is FiOS
available in multi-unit rentals/condos?
Thanks, Bill

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