> As opposed to power mad, publicity whoring thuggish assholes in the
> White House?

No, in addition to that.  Do you have trouble envisioning both, or just ones
with a (D) next to their name?

> or in the Alabama or Mississippi state houses?

Mississippi has more problems than that. Like a state medical examiner whose
incompetent (and possibly perjurous) testimony has probably sent god knows
how many of innocent people to prison.


> At least Cuomo really thinks he's doing it "for the children" while the
> are simply amassing power by whatever means they can.

If you say so.  I thought "the children" was everyone's favorite refuge now
that patriotism is passé.

> The proposed actions are ignorant and just plain lazy.

No, they're politically expedient (not to mention unconstitutional).
"You're against this?  You don't actually *like* kiddie porn do you?  You
must be a sick and twisted SOB."

> The problem is a general ignorance of technology, Usenet, the Internet
> by public officials, not the Jeff's fantasy about Cuomo.

R-i-i-i-i-ght.  He's a really nice guy, who's just completely misunderstood.
All the humility of Giuliani and the integrity of Spitzer, rolled into a
nice suit.  Nah, there's no way he could just being using a convenient (and
politically unimpeachable) scapegoat to bulldoze himself into the headlines
(and as a bonus, the governor's office, which he's already made one
unsuccessful go at):

"Comcast is no slouch in the child porn fight: it helped organize an
industry-wide agreement last week with 45 attorneys general. But what was
good enough for the National Association of Attorneys General was not good
enough for New York; we're told that Cuomo was one of the handful of
officials to withhold his signature."

My fantasy?  You're projecting.  Again.

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