>Would an exaggeration about how much a person weighs or how tall or  
>short a person is be sufficient for prosecution?  What the heck would  
>the guidelines be?  Lying, in and of itself, is not generally  
>considered to be a crime.  People tell lies all the time.

True, lying, in and of itself, is not generally considered to be a crime.

However, if the EULA for the site prohibits lying and you do lie you have 
broken the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. You are "hacking" the site by 
entering with false information. Lucky for you it is just a misdemeanor, 
punishable by only one year in a federal prison and a $100,000 fine for 
each count.

So lying about your height, weight, and hair is three counts: 3 years and 

However, if you lie "*with malicious intent to inflict harm via 
means*" that lie then becomes a felony.

So telling us that Vista is great will get you 10 years.

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