From a "legal" standpoint, suicide is a crime in most jurisdictions (the purpose is really to give the police the power to detain someone who attempts it). So assisting/abetting in a suicide is also considered a crime (which is why Kavorkian went to jail). But it is up to the prosecutor to convince the jury of the criminal intent. There is often a difference between "wrong" and being "guilty" as defined by the penal code. I would not have wanted to be on that jury.


Jeff Miles wrote:
Agree. I would have been the lone holdout on the jury. I'm not sure what type of criminal intent could have been successfully charged, but my gut tells me she did something very, very wrong and is guilty for pushing a susceptible teen to suicide. But I'm not a lawyer and don't know how to charge someone with this in these circumstances. Though I'd think they should have been able to come up with something.

Jeff M

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