> Tax cuts are probably the least efficient form of government spending.
> It
> is randomly tossing money to the winds. There is no direction to it. It
> gets spent on things like $50,000,000 airplane toys, liquor and other
> drugs, whores, mink coats, and general bling. 

Really?  I need to hang out with you more Tom.  You know how to party.

All I get to do is save for my retirement and my kid's college fund.

> We are so far away from enough that "How much is enough?" is hardly a
> reasonable question. When we start getting close to a decent society
> you
> can raise that question. Right now the choice is between helping a sick
> child or buying a diamond-encrusted gold tooth.

Careful with open flame around those strawmen.  Uglier than a Christmas tree

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