>So, for the sake of this particular message, let's put aside the
>talk of wide choices in the make and model of the machine and focus
>instead purely on the OS.  Are the "buyers" who are being targeted in
>any ads for any computer making their choices based upon the OS or
>based primarily upon the machine?  If prices for Windows computers
>were up there with Macintosh prices, would sales of Windows machines
>decline?  Or, if prices for Macs fell to those of most PCs, would
>Windows users move to the Mac OS?

That is a classic microeconomic calculation. The answer is yes. And if 
you have a value for the price elasticity of computers you could even 
calculate by how much the numbers would shift. My intuition is that it 
would be a big number, but then us elitist MFBs would have to find a 
different brand for ourselves.

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