This might sound strange but that is what I am doing.

Both of our laptops (My wife's and mine) came with XP downgrades. We have the Vista disk but have chosen not to install them.

Do not plan on doing any upgrades until 7 comes out and is good.

Marcio your XP home is a fine OS use it love it abuse it.

You should not have problems.

Your problems with IE are IE problems. Not sure why you have such problems but unfortunately you are.


At 10:37 AM 5/1/2009, you wrote:
Talk about giving people bad advice. Telling Marcio to run with an
unsupported beta is just about the nastiest thing you could do. He has
enough troubles with his computers already. He should stick to something
known to be solid and relaible. That is XP.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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