>But no one that I read FEARS an reinstall, they just do not like the 
>time wasted reinstalling all their stuff and getting their system to 
>where they like it once more.

It depends on what the computer is used for. If its a part of a 
production system and having a computer down will cause work to be backed 
up and deadlines to be missed I can understand using the word "fear." A 
computer being down for several days could get a manager fired. I once 
met the lady in charge of filing the Justice Dept's legal briefs with the 
US Supreme Court. In her business there is no such thing as late. In her 
world the word isn't "fear" it is sheer "terror." There are no redos.

People with jobs in the "fear" and "terror" class generally use Macs. For 
good reason.

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