That is called dumb business, but it was not just there fault. There were a lot of things that caused that.

I lived in an area with a Goodyear plant a few years ago and they had some mighty rounds with their unions. They had to support more retirees than active workers and pay full benefits for both.

Cant make a profit that way. Union eventually lowered demands and it worked out, but they have also had to cut back on factories etc.

Just shipping your manufacturing overseas is not a panacea anymore.


At 02:42 PM 5/28/2009, you wrote:
Well, maybe anyone at GM or Chrysler would but see where they wound up. If a business continues to sell a product or service that costs $10.00 to produce for $9.00, no matter how many transactions they have they will still lose money.
Seems plain enough.

John Settle

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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