> To bring it back on topic, Natal looks like it could 
> have quite a bit of latency

I'm not sure about that. I noticed a bit of latency in a few places, but not
everywhere. As I recall, the live demo at E3 in which the girl was batting
at balls with her hands and feet looked very responsive, but the painting
program was less so. This leads me to think that the observed latency isn't
in the hardware, but in specific games, which makes it potentially fixable.

Where I did see latency, it didn't appear to be any worse than Wii--most
people's early Wii tennis games are just godawful because of it.

We also need to bear in mind that, while what was demoed appeared to be
something beyond a prototype, MS hasn't announced a ship date. The
development kit for Natal was just released, concurrent with E3. There's
still a good bit of time for issues to be addressed.

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