On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:40 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> The optics and CCD in a phone are going to be terrible. To make it not
> terrible would require a much larger phone and nobody is going to do that.

  Totally true.

> The purpose of having a camera in a phone is not to take good pictures.
> Hence crowing about a 5MP CCD is just silly. They are pitching to ignorant
> rubes.

  Many, perhaps even most folks who carry around a phone with a
built-in camera appear to me to tend to use that to take most pictures
as opposed to a real camera.  It is seen as convenient, and for most
folks, the images from such seem to be just fine.  Ignorant rubes?
Probably.  However, ignorant rubes are the meat that makers of
consumer gear tend to crave the most.

> They need to be careful about starting an us vs. them comparison. They may
> find that all the pros for the Driod are things that don't matter to
> consumers while all the pros for the iPhone are things that really do
> matter.

  Could be.  But, never underestimate the propensity for the masses to
make poor decisions.


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