Well..we carry around little devices that carry our music that can't compete
at all with larger more cumbersome devices.  I don't think all ipod users
are rubes just because they bought one.  We carry around laptops that can't
compete with desktop units, are all laptop buyers rubes?  Or are they buying
and using what works for them at the time they need something done?  I've
used cameras on phones for years, 99.9% of the time for fun, quick shots,
unimportant but plenty good enough to send some silly picture to a friend.
I've not been to many weddings, but I don't see professional photogs using
phone cameras for the bride.  It's all perspective, some of us might have
1000 dollar cameras, to the guy on a 30,000 Red, all those 1000 dollar
camera buyers are ignorant rubes.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:13 AM, phartz...@gmail.com <phartz...@gmail.com>wrote:

>   Many, perhaps even most folks who carry around a phone with a
> built-in camera appear to me to tend to use that to take most pictures
> as opposed to a real camera.  It is seen as convenient, and for most
> folks, the images from such seem to be just fine.  Ignorant rubes?
> Probably.  However, ignorant rubes are the meat that makers of
> consumer gear tend to crave the most.

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