Well that's the difference isn't it?  When a company you already favor, like
apple touts a change you believe in all of it's goodiness...when a company
like Safeway or MS who you believe to already be ripping you off does it,
you take a negative approach.  The cycle is very difficult to break.  I
can't see how it's possible for a company to make improvements, advertise
those improvements and not run into this pitfall in approaching customers
who don't like them already.  Safeway customers now just feel reinforced in
their belief Safeway is the place to be.

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 12:22 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Nov 8, 2009, at 7:07 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Not at all.  It is almost unheard of for a manufacturer to advertise
>> the shortcomings of their product.  In that vein I actually commend
>> Microsoft for being so forthright, even if it is being done in order
>> to promote and sell the new version of their operating system.
> That is a tough tactic to succeed with. Right now in DC the Safeway stores
> are running an ad campaign based on "we've changed" that touts their lower
> prices. My immediate reaction is: "So you now admit that you have been
> ripping us off all these years." I don't know if I want to do business with
> a company that has such a bad history. Can I trust them? Will the lower
> prices come from selling spoiled goods? I still remember when Food Lion got
> caught pouring bleach on spoiled meat so they could keep trying to sell it.
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