On Nov 8, 2009, at 7:07 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
Not at all.  It is almost unheard of for a manufacturer to advertise
the shortcomings of their product.  In that vein I actually commend
Microsoft for being so forthright, even if it is being done in order
to promote and sell the new version of their operating system.

That is a tough tactic to succeed with. Right now in DC the Safeway stores are running an ad campaign based on "we've changed" that touts their lower prices. My immediate reaction is: "So you now admit that you have been ripping us off all these years." I don't know if I want to do business with a company that has such a bad history. Can I trust them? Will the lower prices come from selling spoiled goods? I still remember when Food Lion got caught pouring bleach on spoiled meat so they could keep trying to sell it.

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