If yer a pro, you don't run out.  These cameras are state of the art by any
standard.  You can keep your film..can you find another camera that can
record in 4k as these do?  This all amounts to tools for the job, to believe
in absolutes is wrong.  Tape is good, other mediums are good.  You do what

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 7:49 PM, b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> Depends on what you needs are, the new Red cameras are ssd/HD flash based.
>> These things are shooting 4k too.
> What do you do when you're shooting on location and run out of HD space?
> Buy another camera? Flash isn't reliable enough yet. Solid state drives are
> absurdly expensive and cumbersome compared to tape. Don't want to lose hours
> of video because of the wrong choice of media.
> Maybe removable solid state drives will be available at a reasonable price
> some day, but they're hundreds of times more expensive than digital tapes. I
> want an organic drive when it's ready.
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