I never mentioned cost; _you_ made that assumption, Rev!  Your
assumptions are flawed...

Thank you, 
-----Original Message-----

You make a bad assumption cost = quality

You are saying that the Rolls Royce is indeed a better car for 
everyone because it costs more money therefore it is of the highest 
quality and everyone should save up and wait till they can afford a 
Rolls Royce then they can buy a car?

I don't buy MAC tools or Snap ON or similar type of tools as I am not 
a mechanic.  But that does not mean I do not have quality tools that 
work for me and get the job done very well thank you.

I will admit I do not buy my tools at the Dollar store, but 
occasionally I have found a good little tool that works for specialty 
jobs in one of those bins.  But I do not make a habit of buying my 
wrenches or power tools at Dollar General.

Your logic is flawed.


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