Quoting "John H. Davis" <glenwoodcompu...@verizon.net>:

Sue Cubic wrote:
If this list is meant only for Mac users, I wish someone would state that so the rest of us can find a different list that may be more helpful.


What you need to ask,  Sue, is that both Mac and PC users who want help
should state their problem, system hdw. OS, and symptoms fully.

No one can fix a problem where there is no Information as to what is
happening.    So folks that "help" by responding to such poorly defined
problems are themselves further cluttering up the list with more noise.

That's quite true. Problems can get solved much quicker if we didn't have to hunt for info that would have helped if it was there to begin with, but. . .

That being said, Tom is absolutely correct in stating that a Mac is the
only solution to avoiding virri.

. . .Exactly how does that help Gail with her problem?

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