On Jan 31, 2010, at 12:56 PM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
Hey, isn't that thingy the mess of wires dragging around that you
were saying Apple eschews in their visions of the future, which by the
way, is like in the next five minutes or less.  Personally, I am never
in the future anyway, only in the present, and the present has ports
on most computers, and you know what, they get used.  I'll bet that
you are using at least one right now, or at least have it hooked up.

Yes it does look to be wisely limited to photo files. I agree with you that it looks like a mess. Maybe Apple will figure out that it is not necessary and it never ships.

Bottom line here is that WFBs reject any computer that is not infested with malware. They oppose all effective means of keeping malware off of computers. Apple wisely realizes that keeping their iPads and iPhones free of malware is a very important part of their success.

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