On Mon Sep 29, 2003 at 12:07:47AM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:

> > > - How to have more contributors?
> > 
> > A bugzilla (or similar product) for the release version?  Seems strange
> > I know but if you hook people on the concept as users with a smaller bug
> > number (hopefully) in a release version you could well spark the
> > interest needed (as well as hone the skills needed) for working in
> > here.  Seems an odd angle I realize but since people keep saying. "I
> > don't program so they won't want me around".  Maybe something of this
> > nature will help in showing people that they can contribute.  Of course
> > in my case not being in the middle of a "Paycheck" major release at the
> > same time would help, but that's a personal problem "grin"  
> http://bugs.mandrakelinux.com/
> # drakbug
> (I don't know how much this will be advertised and if it is all working 
> and tested ... but note that bugs will probably treated more harshly than 
> in bugzilla - where reporters are sometimes given usage tips when they 
> have filed a non-bug)

It works.  Stew and I spent a fair amount of time on drakbug to make it work
with Anthill... see bug #1.  That is a test from me using drakbug (slightly
mangled /etc/mandrake-release) to report against Corporate 2.1.

And yes, bugs on Anthill will be treated very harshly.  Support requests
will be killed immediately and referred to MandrakeExpert.  Cooker bugs will
be nixed immediately and referred to Bugzilla.  Valid reports will be
evaluated and essential fixes will be put into updates.  Things deemed
insignificant will likely be closed (this is more of a means to report
really nasty bugs for fixing... not little things like fonts in gkrellm).

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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