Pls read again. I didn't say any bugs have been fixed. I said there are
always bugs regardless how long you test. 
What I said is that when bugs are found and one uses a RC it will be
obvious why if a RC is installed. 
Names make a difference. How much does MS charge for their label on the
piece of software.

Austin, haven't your heard enough of those arguments that Linux is not
ready for prime time.
I get tired of it!
It happens every time a problem is found, regardless if the same problem
exists in MS Office as well. An RC just provides more of those
If you like, just ignore them and make it more difficult to get the
distro on a box that is now running on MS.

On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 14:46, Austin wrote:
> On 10/03/2003 09:16:01 PM, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
> > There are always bugs in a program, regardless how long you test it. If
> > it's a RC then that will be the first thing everybody notices and will
> > relate it to a second class distro. If a few more days are needed to
> > incorporate the released version, then please consider to do so.
> Perhaps you'd care to enlighten us on the myriads of bugs that have been fixed  
> between the last release candidate and the final verision of openoffice?
> Austin
> --
>                                  Austin Acton
>         Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Candidate
>                Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
>         MandrakeLinux Volunteer Developer, homepage:

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