On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 08:43:07PM +0000, Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> I agree. Also seeing "rc4" "beta2" on a running system does look bad.
> A "security update" or just "update" will be a good idea IMHO.

I'm sure the final of 9.2 will have no sign of a RC on oo.o 1.1 (that was
the case on the rc2 of 9.2) I don't know for sure, but I think rc5 was
picked up before the CDs reached their master state for duplication. I'm
confident that no average end user will notice anything of the fact that
it's actually a RC and not the renamed 1.1 final.

I believe all this was already mentioned in this thread or another, so I
guess I'm falling for a troll ;-)



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